Sunday, October 10, 2010

4 Semester Missionaries Needed in Beautiful Lake Tahoe for Spring 2011

Two students are needed to work with school age ministries & two students are needed to work in preschool ministries.

Baptist students will be provided with roundtrip airfare, housing, food, and local transportation. They also will receive a $300 a month stipend and a $5,000 insurance policy. There are also opportunities to make money babysitting and housecleaning in their off time. Students can learn more about the mission work here by going to We will now also match what NAMB does for one non Baptist student per semester.

Almost any 4 year degree will qualify to meet the CA requirements for our school page program. To meet the CA preschool requirements a student must have 12 hours of early childhood type classes. There are a variety of classes that qualify for those 12 hours. One of the preschool internships could turn into a full time job in the fall for the right student. Did I mention that this is at Lake Tahoe!! It is beautiful here. Lake Tahoe is known as “America’s Year-Round Playground!”

Debbie Wohler (
NAMB Home Missionary in Tahoe City, California.
Supervisor for summer and semester missionaries for 31 years.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Check Out the New & Improved KALEO Network

The KALEO Network is designed for individuals who are exploring or pursuing a call from God to ministry leadership. This is the new and improved "Missions Prep Network". Over the last few months, we’ve been working hard to improve this resource that should meet individuals' needs in a better way.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Follow: to get a play by play of 40+ college ministers in Brazil getting hands on training in Missional Ministry under Michael Frost & learn about IMB opportunities for leaders and ministries.
  • The team is having Michael Frost train us in Missional Ministry while we're down there (he's one of THE international experts on the subject, if you're unfamiliar).
  • The 40+ college ministers will spend time actually connecting and ministering to "postmoderns," as well as participating in collegiate church plants down there.
  • As you can imagine, the hope for the IMB is that the ministers will consider partnering in the future. But there's also an emphasis on us learning transferable methods for missional ministry back home.
So... that means our blog is going to be a lot more than just a "testimony" blog, though there will be some of that. Benson Hines plans to blog full-time down there, and he will share lots of experiences, lots of transferable learnings, and a few IMB opportunities for leaders / ministries. It's also kinda fun that they've hired a college ministry researcher & blogger to do the writing; hopefully he'll be able to bring some particularly helpful ideas and perspectives to the blog.

Brazil Host's Description of the Week:

Our time in Brazil will be instructional, educational, practical, and experiential.

LUKE 10, is the basis of our training. We will follow that model as we divide into small groups each day and hit the campuses, cafes, and neighborhoods looking for persons of peace. We will look evidence of Gods working in the lives of students and young adults. We will seek to connect with those who are open to hearing the Good News. We will try to build relationships with those who are open to connecting with ZOE or the Christian community in Sao Paulo. There will also be opportunities for us to join ZOE activities (possibly with some of our persons of peace) in many places throughout the city.

Every morning, we will meet for a debrief of the previous days experience. Michael Frost will challenge us and inspire us to new ways of thinking, and effective ways of reaching young adults in a post modern environment.

Benson Hines

Monday, April 26, 2010

Student Teams Needed in Haiti THIS SUMMER!

Student teams are needed to help with Haiti earthquake relief this summer.Please consider sending a student team to help.


WHAT? Thousands of Haitians are homeless and displaced due to the earthquake. Refugee camps, tent cities and newly created villages are growing along the Haitian border with Dominican Republic as people flee chaotic and violent Port-au-Prince. Student teams will be involved in community development including developing 'Kid Zones" to bring a sense of normalcy to the lives of Haitian children in refugee camps, orphanages, children's homes, schools, and villages. Flexibility is a must. Ministry may include recreation, sports, music, English and math tutoring, art therapy, manual labor, and more. These activities will pave the way for missionaries to work in these villages and schools in the future.
WHO? Christian students are needed to do the work. College students and young adults are encouraged to apply. Participants must have completed their junior year in high school in order to serve. We prefer students to come with teams (large or small) with an adult leader.
WHEN? 2 week assignments -- Saturday to Saturday, beginning May 15, 2010

Teams of 25 (maximum) will be deployed each week (beginning May 15)
May 15 -- May 29
May 22 - Jun 5
May 29 - Jun 12
Jun 5 - Jun 19
Jun 12 - Jun 26
Jun 19 - Jul 3
Jun 26 - Jul 10
Jul 3 - Jul 17
Jul 10 -- Jul 24
Jul 17 -- Jul 31
Jul 24 -- Aug 7
HOW MUCH? $975 plus airfare (approx $400-700) and insurance ($28)

Field cost includes food, housing, local transportation and border crossing costs.
A $100 deposit per person is required in order to hold spaces.
Your spot is not confirmed without payment. Deposits are Non-Refundable and Non-Transferable. For May/June weeks the balance of $875 is due May 1st. For project in July/August a partial payment of $475 is due May 1st and the remaining balance of $400 is due June 1st. Any balance that is not paid by 15 days following the due date will be canceled and will forfeit your deposit. Travel from Santo Domingo to base camp provided and included in cost.
HOW MANY? Maximum of 25 students/adult leaders per week. A team from a college, church or BCM could be 5 students, or 12, or 15, or you could fill the entire 25.
HOW LONG? 2 week assignment. Saturday arrival, Saturday departure. (local travel challenges make it impossible to grant exceptions)
Valid passport required. Must be valid for 6+ months beyond the date you return from Haiti
For coordination of team arrivals and departures, all students and teams will use designated travel agent.Airfare (approx $400-$700) and insurance ($28) are not included in $975 cost.
Travel to daily ministry site in Haiti provided and included in cost.
HOUSING? Students will be housed in a secure, fenced compound in the Dominican Republic on the border with Haiti. Girls
will stay in the house (electricity, running water). Guys will be housed in large tents on the grounds surrounding the house.
FOOD? Three meals a day will be provided for all participants.
HEALTH? No inoculations are required for entry into DR or Haiti but CDC recommends several. See the CDC website for travel health and immunization information.
SCHEDULE? Arrive in Santo Domingo, DR on Saturday - travel 3-4 hours to compound on Haiti border
Sunday - orientation, training and preparation
Monday-Friday -- spend each day working in Haiti (teams of 8-10)
Return to DR each night for sharing, worship, prayer, study, preparation
Saturday - Sunday -- refresh, relax, restore, refuel, retool...
Monday - Friday -- spend each day working in Haiti (teams of 8-10)
Return to DR each night for sharing, worship, prayer, study, preparation
Saturday - travel back to Santo Domingo. Leave for home.

Please note: Register early for a guaranteed spot!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hands on Haiti Now

The Southern Baptist assessment teams are hard at work in Haiti and we
are preparing to immediately send Hands On and Fusion teams to assist
with ministry to the Haitian people. These teams will base initially
on the Dominican Republic/Haiti border and will move in and out with
the goal of moving into Haiti permanently as soon as possible.

We are looking for an immediate team of 6 Hands On students to leave
on Feb. 3rd to work in Haiti through the end of June. Students will
fly to Atlanta on Feb. 3rd for an overnight training and orientation and then on to the DR.

This will be a Hands On team and thus will have all the normal benefits of Hands On. Because of this urgent need, we are waiving most of the $2900 fee for Hands On service. Students serving on this team will be required to raise $1000 for this semester of service. We will also have some flexibility with them about when they will submit this fee.

How will this work:
We know that many of you have recently accepted or been accepting student applications. We will not be accepting reservations, but if you have a student or young adult that is approved to serve through your state and wishes to serve on the Haiti team, you may email me
directly and secure a spot for them. This is first-come first-served. This opportunity is also being given to Hands On applicants slated to deploy in fall of 2010.

Please remember:
Hands On students must be members of Southern Baptist Churches
For this assignment only: Applicants must be 20-29 years of age

Preferences for applicants:
Extremely flexible people
French and/or Creole language skills
People with a media background
People with Disaster Relief training/experience are helpful
Former Hands On students
People in good physical shape

SEE POST BELOW about opportunities for teams this summer and over spring break. Also, there will be Hands On semester opportunities for July-December.

Please email me if you have interested students.

Follow Haiti updates @gostudentgo on Twitter.

Chad Stillwell
IMB Global Hands On Coordinator
Phone: 804-219-1434 > Skype: howdy2you > Email:
Join the IMB:Students community at...
Facebook Group > Send Me!
Twitter > @gostudentgo

Hands On Haiti (Part 2)

IMB Missionaries in the region have made some immediate requests for current needs and have also requested pre-planning for Spring Break teams, summer teams, and Hands On semester missionaries for this July-December.

We are beginning a list of those who are interested so we can keep you informed of the latest developments.

Please click HERE update your profile to select the upcoming opportunities you are interested in receiving more info on - options include spring break trips, summer trips, prayer info, giving info, and more. You will receive information as it becomes available.

Also, please check out the many options below for things your students can do now to help.

Follow us on Twitter for up-to-date prayer requests @gostudentgo or Click here

To Baptist Global Response 100% of your money goes to victims

To Go as soon as possible!

Right click on this logo square and save it. Ask your students to change their Facebook and Twitter Profile picture to this logo.


for up-to-date videos from Haiti relief efforts of Southern Baptist workers

Help your students join the global community of Baptists and other believers to share REAL HOPE with the grieving and traumatized people of Haiti.

Your IMB Student Team
800-789-4693 Option #1